"Excellent musician" -New York times
Eavesdrop Cosmic is an experimental rock band lead by Brannon Hungness. Mr. Hungness has recorded with many artists like Glenn Branca, Elliott Sharp, Tony Levin, Rupert Greenall, and Jerry Marotta.
Eavesdrop Cosmic albums also have unusual and abstract accompanying books and art. The themes are connected to bizarre upcoming video projects and feature-length films.
Through sound, images, and storytelling, Hungness has created a strange, labyrinthian world to dazzle the senses.
"(Hungness) should be applauded." - The Wire (Magazine)
"I don't like it. I Efffing LOVE it." - Kramer (Producer, Performer - Butthole Surfers, Bongwater, Low, Ween, Urge Overkill, King Missile, and much more)
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